The Optitec Caravan & Trailer Mover in many different Situations
Watch the Team from “What’s Up Down Under” – Angie, Robbie & Macca operating the Optitec in all sorts of situations that you might have yourself. On Grass, Gravel, Concrete or Bitumen – there’s a way to move your big caravan or Boat Trailer.
Watch Max from GO-RV using the Optitec Remote Control Jockey Wheel to move his Camper Trailer and also to move a big Tandem Axle Coronet Caravan in between other vans and into a very tight spot.
More Video from What’s Up Down Under: Warren talks to Gary about the Optitec mover.
Angie shows how easy it is to operate the Optitec machine on a big Sunland Patriot.
Macca shows how easy it is to park a big JB caravan into a driveway in a narrow street.
This the very First Optitec V1 seven years ago moving a Franklin Caravan in many different situations.
(Although some of the videos may show the Optitec being operated by some people with the post wound up, we advise against this in case it puts too much bending force on the pole)